How To Keep a Tropical fish tank with the tropical fish platy

Ornamental fishery is a popular hobby in the present era. Many people are getting interested in this field. But gradually they develop their hobby into a profitable business.

As a beginner in the fishery field, one can get a good start with red platy fish. Red platy fish is suitable for beginners because it can survive any environmental conditions for a long time. It can withstand high range of temperature, pH and levels of salinity...

Collection and Maintenance of Platy Fish

You can collect the cute and pretty red play fishes from a nursery or a shop. You should bring them by insert into a clean polythene cover which has filled with oxygenated water. You should arrange a rectangular fish tank of suitable gallon to accommodate your platies. You can make the aquarium in proper manner by filling its bottom with a layer of sand and a layer of pebbles. It will be better to introduce water plants into it. You should take care to fill the aquarium with unchlorinated ground water. You should introduce an aerator into the water to maintain the proper level of oxygen in the water, Take care to get light into the tank.

It is essential to clean the tank at suitable interval. Provide correct amount of feed to the fishes. It is better to give pelleted feeds. Do not put extra food. It will lead to contamination of the tank water. It may cause death of fishes. The wastes should take away regularly. You can use a pipe with small diameter for that purpose. It is better to introduce a sucker fish into the tank. It will feed on the fecal material of the platy and help in the process of cleaning.

You can make a great success in the tropical fish keeping by the regular checking of the temperature, pH etc of the water in the aquarium. You can check the temperature level with a thermometer and can check the pH with the pH paper. By analyzing the result you can adjust them through proper ways. You should separate the seeds of platy into a separate tank.

After expertise with these platies you can make a huge success in the exotic fish keeping business.

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